Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Getting into Beale Street again

Detail of Beale Street painting

I can't tell you how great it was last night to dig into the Beale Street painting again. After a few weeks away from the oil painting, I was back at it and looking forward to hopfully finishing this painting by middle of next week. We will see how it actually goes though. I also will be working on some entry pieces of art for a benefit for the Children's Defense Fund of Minnesota. So other than that, it will be a busy couple of days here and am looking forward to the upcoming weekend to get some other tasks done as well.


Janets Planet said...

This one looks like it is going to be good.

Cynthia said...

It looks awesome, Shawn! I really like how free and expressive your brush strokes are.

Shawn McCann said...

Thanks Janet. I am hoping that I can keep the energy going throught the piece.

Shawn McCann said...

Hi Cynthia. Thanks for the compliments. Now it is just a matter of keeping everything free and expressive to the end. It should be interesting to see what happens.