Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Off on another fun adventure. Cheers to 2012!

I know it is a bit early to be ringing in the new year, but with my trip tomorrow to Mumbai, India, this might be my last post of the year.  First off, Happy 2012 to all of you who have been with me over the last year and those new to Studio McCann.  I know I haven't had the chance to blog as much as I would like, so here's hoping to renewed effort for the new year in bringing you some decent posts ;)   Along that line, I am very excited and anxious for my next adventure which begins tomorrow and runs the first couple of weeks of January.  I will be heading out to Mumbai, India to work on a large wall mural on the campus of IIT Bombay as part of their Techfest 2012.  Having most of the major players in the technology field along with Nobel Laureate's, Robot Wars, and many more fun activities should keep the 2 week venture in high drive.  I definitely look forward to sharing with you the results of the mural and wish you and your families the best for the start of 2012!  Cheers!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The creation of a PopUP Park

Well, having worked on a number of other interesting art projects, I share with you one of the most recent.  This summer, the Minneapolis Institute of Arts asked if I could help in the creation of a PopUp Park this coming winter to create a space that was a retreat from the elements that typically spring up in Minnesota, ie, SNOW!  That being said, we decided to create a tropical feel to the space that is the main lobby outside of the museum shop and arts cafe.  Having nearly 2200 square feet posed both a project of immense size but also creative placement since we have thousands of visitors that will be interacting with the space on a daily basis.  With that, the final plan was drawn and we are now in the build phase of the project.  Once I return from my overseas adventure, the MIA's PopUP Park will be installed and will be accessible to all!  I can't wait to show you the final images of the park and will let you know of the opening night festivities when they are set.  Until then, here are a few teaser images of the "build" phase and more

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Workin on some new drawings

As you can probably tell, the posts have been a little sparse lately.  I am hoping that starting the new year will allow me to do some more posts.  Having a hectic schedule and some really fun projects coming up is making for a little bit of craziness!  But I won't complain as it is good to be busy and out of trouble.  So as the year begins to wrap up here, I have been doing a fair amount of charcoal drawings lately.  Having not done them in over 5 years, i have been reinvigorated to keep working on new drawings.  This one above is a self portrait that i did recently.  The other image is of my grandmother.  With each new one, it is getting a little bit easier getting back into the swing of things with the charcoal.  Plus, it is just another reason to get messy in the studio :)